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Apply for a Burn Permit

Burn Permit

A Burn Permit is required for all open burning, recreational fire, or portable outdoor fireplaces on public property and all agricultural burning, bonfires, and fire hazard reduction burning.

A Burn Permit is issued at the discretion of the Fire Department and is only valid once inspected and approved by Fire Department personnel.  During the inspection, the inspector will verify the responsible party is aware of the specific requirements identified on the permit and has applied the appropriate mitigation measures.

Burning shall only be conducted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. No new material will be added after 12:00 p.m. and the fire must be cold and out by 5:00 p.m.  

Permittee shall burn status phone number at (805)686-8177 after 5:00 pm on the day prior to the burn to obtain burn status for the following day.  Or check the Burn Day Status Map.

The permittee shall contact the Montecito Fire Department at (805) 969-7762 after 7:00 am on the day of the intended burn operation to notify of the intention to burn.

A valid appropriate burn permit must be on site at all times during burning operations.

Burning is prohibited during Fire Season, Sundays, and Holidays. Burn permits are valid only on days designated by the California Air Resource Board as Permissive Burn Days. Permissive Burn Days can be canceled by the Fire Chief and/or the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District.

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