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Update on the storm through Christmas, By Christina Atchison

Dec 21, 2021 at 04:11 PM

Our great partners at the National Weather Service LA/Oxnard office just updated us on the incoming rain.

Here are the expected rain totals through Christmas (Saturday) afternoon:

  • 1-3 inches for the coast & valleys
  • 3-6 inches for the mountains & foothills

Rainfall rates are forecast to be less than a half-inch per hour. The rain rates are not high enough to create concern for burn areas so, there’s no risk of debris flow, flooding, or evacuations in Montecito.

The heaviest rain is still expected Thursday and into Christmas Eve. Please prepare and drive carefully to your holiday destinations!

If you need sandbags, we have bags, sand, and shovels available at Lower Manning Park. We appreciate you leaving the shovels so that others can fill sandbags, too!

As always, sign up for emergency alerts at, monitor the forecast, and be safe!

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